Q-railing gives you fast delivery to every location. Orders placed on weekdays before 12.00 PM PST usually leave the Q-railing warehouse the same day. The team works as quickly as possible to pack and send your order. Exact delivery schedules and choice of shipment method (parcel service or freight forwarder) depend on the destination, length, weight, and shape of your packed order. Please contact your Q-railing office for detailed information.
Express delivery
For urgent requirements, parcels with offline ordered goods can be delivered by express delivery. For assistance, please contact us so we can identify the solution that best suits your needs. Online orders cannot be delivered by express delivery.
Will call
If you prefer, you can pick up your order at the Q-railing warehouse in Tustin (CA) on weekdays between 8.00 AM and 3.00 PM. Please contact your Q-railing office to arrange a convenient pickup time.
All Q-railing products are carefully packaged for shipping. Please inspect your order as soon as you receive it, then put the items back into their original Q-railing packaging until you are ready to use them. That will help protect the goods from damage.
Would you like to place an order, or do you need a customized solution for your project? We will be happy to help.