Fire-rated glass balustrades

For residential projects over 11 M

The first systems in the market

To achieve BS EN13501 class A2-s1,d0

Want to add glass balustrades to a residential project over 11 meters? Well with Q-Railing’s new glass you can! Here are the first laminated frameless glass balustrade and glass Juliet balcony systems to satisfy the amendments made to the Approved Document B in December 2018, and the further changes made in 2022. Both work with an innovative laminated glass that achieves the required EN13501:A2-s1,d0 rating.

How does it help you

  • Conform to BS 6180:2011 and BS 8579:2020 – wind mitigation and sight line requirements
  • Compliant with changes to Building Regulations 2010 – approved Doc B
  • Achieve the required fire classification BS EN13501 class A2-s1,d0
  • Fully impact rated (pendulum test) to BS EN12600 class 1B1
  • Tested to achieve 0.74 kN/m line loads for residential use (full test reports available) – Bespoke options for 1.5kN/m or wind mitigation tall screens
  • Desired aesthetics, incl. optional powder coating
  • Fully adjustable and easy to install
  • Glass warranty – 10 years



The fire-rated glass balustrade

We have based the looks and functionality of our fire-rated glass balustrade on the ever so popular Easy Glass Prime system.

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The fire-rated glass juliet balcony

The fire-rated glass Juliet balcony system is a perfect match to the fire-rated glass balustrade for other balconies. We have based it upon the looks of our Easy Glass View system.

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Helping you
cope with challenges

In December 2018 changes were made to the Building Regulations 2010: Approved Document B, causing laminated glass as a barrier to be banned from residential buildings with habitable floors above 11 metres.

With safety being our first priority, of course, but meeting strict wind mitigation and sight line requirements is quite a challenge, if not impossible, without glass balustrades. So, we got going. Thorough research and testing of compliant glass alternatives resulted in a strong partnership with the safety glass expert team at Pyroguard and not one but two compliant glass balustrade systems were born.



‘We have always prided ourselves in being market leaders in balustrade solutions for the industry. That is why we were determined to be first again and solve this problem for our architects and their clients.’

Darryl Holloway

Architectural Sales Manager and Fire-rated Systems Specialist



Put into practice

Our fire-rated glass balustrades and Juliet balconies are already making their first appearances in various completed high-rise projects.

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Need project assistance

or installer training?

Count on our two fire-rated glass systems to meet the requirements for your next balustrade job. Need more than just the products? Advice, drawings, project management, on-site installer training? Just let us know. We can assist you with all of it and more. And of course, all according to your needs and exact specifications.

Curious to find out more about the specs of our fire-rated glass balustrades? Want to see how easily they can be installed? Interested in a quote?

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