Obligations to disclose information according to §§ 5,6 TMG (German Telemedia Act)
Company: Q-railing Holding Europe GmbH
Director: Ronald Guliker
HRB 7988, Kleve Local District Court
Marie-Curie-Str. 8-14
46446 Emmerich am Rhein
Telephone: +49 2822 91569 0
Fax: +49 2822 91569 70
Value added tax identification number (§ 27 a German Turnover Tax Act)
VAT ID: DE246818464
Company: Q-railing Europe Holding GmbH – UK branch
Director: Ronald Guliker
C.O.C. FC 27396 / BR 009278
Unit 707, Centre 500
Lowfield Drive / Wolstanton
UK-Newcastle under Lyme ST5 0UU
Tel. +44 800 7814245
Fax. +44 800 7814246
VAT ID: GB845715018
Responsible for the contents of this website according to § 55 German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting:
Ronald Guliker
Q-railing Europe Holding GmbH – UK branch
Unit 707, Centre 500
Lowfield Drive / Wolstanton
UK-Newcastle under Lyme ST5 0UU
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