
The Q-disc System is the ultimate method for installing a glass balustrade. The clever combination of an inlay and the Q-disc allows you to align each glass panel and secure it in just a few simple steps. You will be up and running in seconds. What is more, the Q-disc System is designed for a wide range of glass thicknesses. So, it lets you create a safe solution for any balustrade project.

The system that has it all.


It’s easy.

Mounting in just a few simple steps and with one tool.


It’s fast.

Quick glass installation and alignment.


It’s safe.

Extensively tested and certified.

It’s used like this …

To align and secure the glass, you complete just three simple steps: click the disc into the inlay, slide the inlay to align the glass and turn the disc to secure it. Only one mounting tool and no effort required.

It’s ingenious


It’s suitable for every project

The Q-disc System is integrated into four different Easy Glass balustrade systems. They differ in terms of the glass thickness accepted, load capacity and applications. But one thing is certain: Q-disc is suitable for any balustrade project.

Ready for it?– book a demo!

Get a personalised demo of the Q-disc System from one of our experts. Fill in the form and we will contact you to make arrangements.

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Need Help?

Would you like to place an order, or do you need a customised solution for your project? We will be happy to help.

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